So I have been home with a sick kid. It is crazy how I can count to the day when he will get sick despite all my best efforts.  Personally I think he is detoxing from the new supplements his homeopathic/md recommended.  I am not a dr I only play one in my world ;) but from what I have read fish oil and vit d remove heavy metal.  I think he is detoxing.  He was up night before last burning up as I watched his body fight!  He also complained of a headache which he never has. After a day of rest and chiropractor visit and "crazy" mammas care his fever is gone and he appears to be much better.  Funny when my mother in law saw him and felt his head she says "just give him Tylenol". I looked at her puzzled and said no! She looked at me like I was "crazy" but respects my thoughts and even accepts them a bit.
We learn daily with every experience. 
My rant is why must you be viewed as "crazy" for not following the norm?  
I welcome a discussion on this and would love your input.

Ttyl The "crazy" mamma....

So the question of the day is: how do you deal with a bad day???I am having a bad day and decided to open a bottle of organic wine while cooking dinner. The kicker is I pushed the cork the wrong way and couldnt get it out! I am persistent and was able to grab it and it broke half way out!! LOL so I pushed the broken piece out and strained the wine through a paper towel. Not sure if cork is healthy!!! ;) What would you do???????????
Thought this was interesting. Funny because last time my son had a fever for the first time I didn't give him aspirin. A few people I told he was sick said "give him Tylenol", I said I brought him to the chiropractor and they said let his body fight it. Of coarse I got the "crazy" mamma look! I had anxiety that he would be harmed by the fever but resisted my norm. He laid on me and the oddest thing happened. I felt him fight the fever. He went hot to cold numerous times and eventually BAM no more fever. Just sharing.
Anyone else flip over how much money we need to spend on organic food. It isnt enough to eat healthy foods but now you have to spend double so you arent eating pesticides etc. Really? This is why our childrens poor immune systems are so compromised!! Whole foods, my husband calls it Whole pay check!! LOL...Not easy on a one income home or any at this point. Everything is so expensive. We need to work harder to provide for our children yet the time you spend decreases so you can make the money honey!! Does this infuriate anyone else?? Please lets RANT!!!!
Ok so how many of you were awake BEFORE the crack of dawn today??? ME!! Damn this time change. yes I love the light later thing but I dont do 5;45 am well to begin with. Now it is like the middle of the night! Of coarse I couldnt fall asleep last night either. Oh joy.. How are you dealing with it???
I am still get the hang of all this computer stuff so bare with me. I wanted to share this link as I have gained a lot of knowledge from this fb page I follow. Again I am hear to talk or rant about how it makes you feel to be a "crazy" mom. I lack in facts and will try to provide them and invite you to do the same.
So many of us parents do so much in a day. How do you keep your head clear? How do you relax?